
We believe in tech as an ultimate tool for learning on an easy, intuitive and effective way.

Castalia, or “prophetic springs” comes from a Greek Mythology tale. By providing clever technology for companies and institutions we believe that we can reshape the way people learn, and in this way transform their lives and also our society.


Education is the most powerful and effective way to change our reality on a positive way. By delivering knowledge on an easy and effective way we can empower those who will be agents of transformation. Education can solve crises, help communities to evolve, tackle social issues and build a bright future for our planet. In order to deliver educational content that can have a real positive impact we rely on technology as a definitive way to learn.


The world is going through a moment of change. Our society and human consciousness are shifting to a new way of living and working. We believe on open dialogs, diversity and joy as tools for a meaningful work relation. At Castalia we work everyday to create products that can be suitable to this new reality in any culture. With an international and contemporary business approach, we try to make sure that every client or end user of our solutions will experience a clever and easy to use product.


More than designing products for our clients, we design solutions for every single person that will receive knowledge and use it on their learning path. We are on an endless quest to find the best way to use technology to solve people’s needs. By looking to the end user’s learning path, we can understand our challenges and drive our work towards the creation of effective solutions that will be both, pleasant to interact with and also have a powerful learning reliability.


Like the world, technology is always evolving fast. We are always looking for new ways of developing and updating our products and the way we work. Our team are always trying to improve our solutions and to make them more and more powerful as a knowledge source. We ensure that users, companies and institutions will have not just the latest tech, but also have something that won’t stop in time, but keep evolving like the world is.


Provide the efficient technology for companies and institutions that want to foster the way they deliver knowledge


Bring positive impact to our society by making the best use of technology

Top Image: @jezael